
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Preliminary Task.

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple lines of dialogue. The task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot, and the 180-degree rule.

The scene begins with a close up shot of a woman's feet as she opens the door into the room. we do not yet know who the woman is or what she is doing. the shot then moves up slowly so that we see a medium close up shot of her writing on a note pad. the camera then rises up again so that the audience can see the woman's facial experession. she looks determined, almost as if she needs an answer.

We then follow the woman across a dark room, with one light with a gentleman sluched, one arm on the back of the chair; legs spread apart holding a cup of water. the lady then sits down across the table from the young man, crossing her legs. This is shown as an medium long shot and also as a two shot (as it is a conversation). The camera then zooms into the woman writing on her notepad again cutting to her face...

In the next scene, there is a close up shot of the woman saying "Did you do it?" This allows the viewer to see her expression and emotion.

The camera then cuts to the boy she is interviewing. A close up shot is shown of the boy not looking bothered, swirling the cup of water.

An extreme close up shot shows the boy drinking the bottle of water. The viewer can actually see the water go go into his mouth. Shot is held to show him wipe his mouth.

We then zoom out to a close up of the boy replying "No" With no expression or care in his face.

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